Four elderly men sitting in front of large prayer wheels

Photo credit: Gerry Feehan

Bhutan II – Gross National Happiness Photo Gallery

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Bhutan takin laying on grass
Colourful flags in foreground with white flags in background
Elderly man sitting under wooden structure
Four elderly men sitting in front of large prayer wheels
Group of hikers standing amongst trees
Group of hikers walking through moss covered forest
Group of monks in red robes walking on road
Group of people eating meal on hillside
Group of people posing in front of Buddha mural
Group of people posing in front of giant Buddha statue
Herd of Bhutan yaks walking along road
Large white truck with flourishes driving on road
Man in beige robe shooting bow and arrow
Man in blue robe feeding dogs
Man in blue robe walking towards brick archway
Man with colourful striped robe standing with bag of produce in hand
Man with dark clothing standing on grass with mountains in background
Plane wing in foreground with mountains in background
Tall flags with yaks in foreground and trees in background
Three people walking between fences
Three young men in red robes
Two women sitting and smiling at camera
White and red temple on side of mountain
Wild vegetation sitting on leaf being held by human hand
Woman and young child standing in windows
Woman in red jacket standing with decorated wood board
Woman lying on bed with red hotwater bottle under feet
Young child with red boots smelling vegetable