Two elderly African women in foreground with other African women in background

Photo credit: Gerry Feehan

A Better World? Photo Gallery

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An elderly African man in a suit with dozens of children in blue school uniforms behind him
Four young African children sitting on bench with ukulele
Group of African women standing together
Group of vans driving over uneven terrain
Man and woman picking tea leaves in foreground with green hills in background
Man trying grilled corn from a roadside stand
Pelicans and seagulls in foreground with flamingos in background
Rhinoceros and buffalo in grass in foreground with table top mountains in background
Three African children in foreground with groups of African people in background
Three zebra in foreground with a small group of zebra in background
Two African children smiling with blankets and Canadian flags in hands
Two baboons playing on ground
Two young African girls in pink and white dresses
Water buffalo covered with dried mud
Woman in yellow shirt walking to van with baboon on roof of another van
Woman lying in bed covered with mosquito netting