Group of Africans in colourful dresses standing together

Photo credit: Gerry Feehan

A Better World (Too?) Photo Gallery

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Adult cheetah in foreground with cheetah cubs in background
African savannah with mountains in distant background
African wildlife ranger walking with woman along savannah
African woman in red dress looking at camera
Bright pink hibiscus flower in foreground with green grass in background
Elephant in foreground with green grass and blue sky in background
Giraffe walking by in foreground with three zebra in background
Grey and white baboon on tree branches
Hippopotamus bathing in brown coloured river water
Leopard resting on tree branches
People on roadway with large tree with blue flowers on side of road
Pride of lions lying on grass at dusk
Red, green and yellow flying over African savannah
Red, purple and blue skinned lizard resting on rock
Single male lion lying on grass in foreground with hills in background
Three ostrich in foreground with green savannah in background
Two lions interacting in foreground with safari vehicles and people in background
Two tall black, white and yellow feathered birds standing on grass
Two young Africans standing in native dress
Woman walking by in foreground with stone buildings with painted murals in background