Photo credit: Gerry Feehan
November 1, 2009 – Chicago to D.C.
Just kidding about Chicago. There are plenty of things to see and do in the amazing Windy City. Parking just isn’t one of them.
America is truly a polarized nation. At Miller’s Bar, a famous pub on Wabash Street in downtown Chicago, we had drinks with Paul Cigan, a clarinetist with the National Symphony Orchestra (Washington D.C.) who was almost apologetic about America’s reputation in world affairs and inquisitively envious of Canada’s health care system.
Conversely Roger, our golf partner at a suburban Chicago public golf links, an educated man – if you consider being a CA “educated” – was certain that the new black president would “bankrupt the nation” with his socialist, Canadian (“no offense intended”) policies. We also met some nice folks from Birmingham who explained that their city is located right in the heart of the State of “Nobama”.
When discussing American politics I find the wisest course of action is simply to nod, agreeably… that way the bartender will bring you another Sam Adams.
A fall drive through Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania and into West Virginia is picture card beautiful. The rolling hills are pockmarked with – to an Albertan’s eye – unfamiliar hues of crimson and yellow from chestnut, beech, laurel oak and maple trees. And while you’re driving the back roads why not listen to local radio? On the airwaves from every small town, in each county of every State there is a friendly, soothing voice “ready to help you with your financial problems now, today, with one simple consolidated loan!” If only they’d take Canadian at par.
Manassas, Virginia Civil War battlefield site We’re in Washington now and off to the symphony. The clarinetist we met at Miller’s in Chicago comp’d us a couple of tickets to an NSO fundraiser where we’re going to hob-knob with Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and the man himself – Joe Pesci. Just funning ya… Joe won’t be there. Tomorrow we’ve booked a three-hour tour from Capital Hill, down the Mall past the Smithsonian to the Washington Monument and then over to the White House. We are travelling via one of those new-fangled, motorized personal devices, the Segway… which is probably a good lead-in to next time.
Gerry & Florence